
Move Talent. Deliver Experience.

As the world continues to evolve, organizations are exploring new ways of working to meet today’s growing business demands. This isn't easy to do when each business has its own agenda and objectives. That’s where Sirva comes in. We aim to help mobility leaders and talent managers navigate the complexity of relocation to meet and exceed company goals.

We have every resource to ensure your relocating employees are well taken care of as they prepare to embark on their relocation journey. With every interaction, we look to communicate in a way that is: Smart, Helpful, Human, and Responsible. These four pillars are indicative of the way we conduct ourselves and business in general.

What does this mean in practice and how do we use these pillars to help you?


Let's Chat



  • We use cutting-edge technology to collect, sort, and report data in ways that are most meaningful to you.
  • We work with our worldwide network of vetted service partners to share important information and critical updates in a timely fashion to support your mobile employee wherever they may be.
  • We’re constantly in a state of improvement and innovation to make sure you have the best tools available to support your mobility program.


  • We take a proactive approach to problem-solving by anticipating needs and requirements based on decades of experience.
  • We understand that every client is different and each customer is an individual and we’ll always ask about their specific mobility needs and requirements.
  • We think outside the box and offer creative solutions and well-researched recommendations to you and your mobile employees.


  • We’re committed to cultivating a workplace and ecosystem that reflects the diversity of the global organizations we serve.
  • We believe the best results are realized when empathy, inclusion, kindness, and integrity serve as the basis for every interaction.
  • We’re a people-first company who prides ourselves on providing personal, high-touch support to you and your employees.


  • We see ourselves as positive change agents for our clients and their mobile employees in every pocket of the world where you live and work.
  • We embody an inclusive, engaged company culture, resulting in empowered employees that reflect a wide range of approaches and perspectives, leading to new ideas, innovation, and excellence.
  • We seek sustainable solutions that lower carbon footprints, increase productivity, and reduce costs for our company, our customers, and the planet 


We’re here for you. Our dedication to global mobility and talent management is underpinned by a collective desire to deliver an exceptional move experience, from start to finish. We’re passionate about what we do, and deliberate about how we do it.

Smart. Helpful. Human. Responsible.



  • by Daina Mueller
  • 2024年2月29日 9:51:00

对于想要在美国购房的被派遣员工来说,购买抵押贷款并获取贷款机构的预先批准是标准流程。然而,很多员工注意到,申请抵押贷款后,他们会突然收到多个贷款机构的电话、电子邮件和信件,主动提供抵押贷款服务。重要的是要知道,员工的信息 并不是 贷款机构出售的。但是,信用机构的确会出售“触发线索”。


“触发线索”是 Equifax、Experion 和 TransUnion 这三大报告机构提供的产品。员工提交贷款申请后,贷款机构会提取他们的信用记录。无论何时提取信用记录,该操作都会触发查询。随后,该查询将作为“线索”出售其他贷款机构,其目的是通知其他抵押贷款机构,消费者正在寻求抵押贷款。这些线索包括申请抵押贷款的消费者的姓名、联系信息和其他数据。

根据《公平信用报告法》,抵押贷款触发线索是合法的。根据联邦贸易委员会 (Federal Trade Commission, FTC) 的立场,抵押贷款触发线索对消费者有利,因为它允许消费者获得多个报价,从而确保他们得到最优惠的抵押贷款。然而,员工也会因此觉得,自己受到垃圾邮件和不请自来的营销电话的轰炸。触发线索还可能为身份盗用、欺诈和掠夺性贷款提供可趁之机。很多时候,贷款机构会误导消费者,让消费者认为他们与其当前的贷款机构有联系。





  • 登记“谢绝来电”:国家谢绝来电登记处可以提供免费服务,帮助员工限制电话营销来电。请访问 donotcall.gov,或者使用您想登记的电话号码拨打 1-888-382-1222。登记处可以保留该号码五年,直到其结束关联,或者您取消登记。停止营销来电最多需要 31 天。
  • 选择退出预筛报价:要选择退出预筛报价,员工可以拨打 1-888-5-OPTOUT (1-888-567-8688) 或者访问 optoutprescreen.com。员工拨打该电话或访问网站时,可能需要提供个人信息,包括电话号码、姓名、社会保险号和出生日期。所提供的信息将予以保密,仅用于处理选择退出请求。选择退出请求将在五天内得到处理,但这些报价最多可能需要 60 天才能停止。



如需了解更多信息,联邦贸易委员会 (FTC) 的资源可以提供帮助:

无论待派遣人员有哪些融资需求,SIRVA Mortgage 都可以提供帮助。凭借对人才派遣抵押贷款 30 年以上的专注和专长,我们了解房屋融资在人才派遣过程中的重要作用。请访问我们的抵押贷款网站了解更多信息,或通过 MortgageClientServices@sirva.com 联系我们。


SIRVA Mortgage, Inc.(NMLS 唯一识别符 2240)从事发放住宅抵押贷款的业务。我们已获取许可或授权,可在所有 50 个州和哥伦比亚特区发放抵押贷款。 SIRVA Mortgage 并非存款机构,也不作为或自称为提供全面服务的银行。 所引用的“抵押贷款银行家”一词是普遍接受的行业术语,是指仅从事抵押贷款业务的公司。 根据各种州法律法规以及我们在各州的许可类型,可将我们称为抵押贷款机构、抵押贷款银行家或抵押贷款经纪人。有关我们的隐私政策和衍生业务关系,请访问 https://mortgage.sirva.com/about/about-sirva-mortgage。请拨打 800-531-3837 以获取更多信息。SIRVA Mortgage, Inc. 目前已获得下列许可证(未列出全部):亚利桑那州许可抵押贷款银行家,许可证编号 BK-901430;获得由企业部按照加州住宅抵押贷款法授予的许可,银行家许可证编号 413-0944;佐治亚州住宅抵押贷款被许可人编号 6221;伊利诺伊州住宅抵押贷款被许可人;堪萨斯州许可抵押贷款公司,许可证编号 SL.0000368;马萨诸塞州抵押贷款机构,许可证编号 ML1341;获得密西西比州银行与消费金融部许可,密西西比州许可抵押贷款公司编号 369/2009;密苏里州住宅抵押贷款被许可人;蒙大拿州抵押贷款机构许可证编号 39706,获得新罕布什尔州银行部许可;获得新泽西州银行与保险部许可;获得纽约州银行部许可的纽约州抵押贷款银行家;俄亥俄州抵押贷款经纪人许可证编号 MB.803887.000;获得宾夕法尼亚州银行部许可;罗德岛州许可贷款机构;得克萨斯州抵押贷款机构,许可证编号 44605;弗吉尼亚州注册公司委员会许可抵押贷款机构,许可证编号 MC-310。本文并非信贷要约或利率锁定协议要约,也非贷款批准通知。SIRVA Mortgage, Inc. 总部地址为 6200 Oak Tree Blvd., Ste. 300, Independence, OH  44131;电话:1-800-531-3837。